Minggu, 16 Desember 2012




Subjunctive adalah bentuk kalimat pengandaian. Namun topik Subjunctive ini berbeda dengan Conditional. Conditional adalah kalimat pengandaian juga namun perbedaannya adalah Conditional dilengkapi dengan syarat-syarat tertentu untuk mengandai-andai. Misalnya "Aku akan mengundanya jika aku jadi kamu.". Berikut ini adalah penjelasan tentang Subjunctives.

Struktur Subjunctive
be (past)
·      I were
·      you were
·      he, she, it were
·      we were
·      you were
·      they were
be (present)
·      I be
·      you be
·      he, she, it be
·      we be
·      you be
·      they be
Kata kerja lain (past & present)
·      I work
·      you work
·      he, she, it work
·      we work
·      you work
·      they work

Penggunaan Subjunctive
Kita menggunakan subjunctives ketika kita berbicara tentang suatu kegiatan yang sebenarnya tidak akan terjadi.
Kita menggunakan subjunctive ketika berbicara tentang kegiatan yang seseorang:
·      Inginkan agar terjadi
·      Harapkan akan terjadi
·      Membayangkan akan terjadi
·      The President requests that you be present at the meeting.
·      It is vital that you be present at the meeting.
·      If you were at the meeting, the President would be happy.

Subjunctive biasanya menggunakan kedua struktur berikut:
Ø  Kata Kerja: ask, command, demand, insist, propose, recommend, request, suggest + that
Ø  Ekspresi: it is desirable, essential, important, necessary, vital + that
·      The manager insists that the car park be locked at night.
·      The board of directors recommended that he join the company.
·      It is essential that we vote as soon as possible.
·      It was necessary that every student submit his essay by the weekend.
Perhatikan bahwa struktur berikut ini, subjunctive-nya sama. Tidak masalah kalimat itu tenses-nya past atau present. Contoh:
·      Present: The President requests that they stop the occupation.
·      Past: The President requested that they stop the occupation.
·      Present: It is essential that she be present.
·      Past: It was essential that she be present.
Kita selalu menggunakan were sebagai pengganti "was" setelah if (dan kata lainnya yang memiliki arti yang sama). Contoh:
·      If I were you, I would ask her.
·      Suppose she were here. What would you say?

Mengapa kita menggunakan "I were", "he were"?

Kita sering mendengar orang berkata "if I were you, I would go" atau "if he were here, he would tell you". Memang normalnya adalah: I was, he was. Tetapi struktur if I were you tidak melihat Past Tense". Struktur tersebut hanya mengenal past subjunctive untuk "to be" nya.
Perhatikan contoh kata-kata/frase di bawah ini untuk struktur di atas:
·      If
·      as if
·      wish
·      suppose
·      If I were younger, I would go. (FORMAL)
·      If I was younger, I would go. (INFORMAL)
·      If he weren't so mean, he would buy one for me.(FORMAL)
·      If he wasn't so mean, he would buy one for me. (INFORMAL)
·      I wish I weren't so slow! (FORMAL)
·      I wish I wasn't so slow! (INFORMAL)
·      I wish it were longer. (FORMAL)
·      I wish it was longer. (INFORMAL)
·      It's not as if I were ugly. (FORMAL)
·      It's not as if I was ugly. (INFORMAL)
·      She acts as if she were Queen. (FORMAL)
·      She acts as if she was Queen. (INFORMAL)
·      If I were you, I should tell her. (FORMAL)
·      If I was you, I should tell her.  (INFORMAL)
Note: We do not normally say "if I was you", even in familiar conversation.

Beberapa ekspresi menggunakan subjunctive. Contoh:
·      Long live the King!
·      God bless America!
·      Heaven forbid!
·      Be that as it may, he still wants to see her.
·      Come what may, I will never forget you.
·      We are all citizens of the world, as it were

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